Gifted and Talented
New Jersey Gifted and Talented Definition
New Jersey Department of Education: The regulations (N.J.A.C. 6A:8-3.1) define gifted and talented students as: Those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities (New Jersey Department of Education.)
The Midland Park School District will use the following to identify students for the Gifted and Talented Program:
Nomination/Referral and Screening
Parents, teachers, and students may make referrals to the Midland Park Gifted and Talented Review Committee at any time during the school year. The Review Committee will gather information that is relevant and supports the referral. This information may include; standardized test scores, district assessments and current levels of performance and achievement. Upon receipt, the Review Committee will determine whether or not to proceed with additional screening where multiple measures will be documented for potential eligibility.
Acceptance into the Gifted and Talented Program will be on an annual review basis. Students, when evaluated and compared to their in-district peers, will be considered for participation based on their exceptional ability and high level of task commitment. In conjunction with district approved criteria, New Jersey’s definition of gifted and talented will determine student eligibility within their peer group. In addition, it will allow for equitable assessment of students with special needs. Specific criterion may be waived or substituted for students with learning disabilities, cultural and/or diverse backgrounds (NAGC).
Transfer Students
Transfer students to be Midland Park School District may be considered for the Gifted and Talented Program. All records and data available (including test scores administered within the past two calendar years) from the previous school will be considered to establish eligibility for the Gifted and Talented Review Committee. The district has the right to require additional assessments as necessary in order to compare the student’s performance to their district peer group. Transfer students may require an extended monitoring process of up to six weeks. Differentiated instruction within the classroom will occur for student identification occurring after April 15.
Multiple measures will be used to assess student eligibility for participation in the Program. Assessments will be objective and subjective. A district approved gifted and talented student identification profile will be used to determine eligibility. The selection of multiple measures as recommended by the Review Committee may include:
- Standardized group achievement tests
- Standardized group aptitude test/intelligence test
- Renzulli Scale for Behavior of Superior Students
- Classroom grades
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Observations/interviews
- Teacher recommendations
All information gathered by the Review Committee, comprised of an administrator, regular education teacher, gifted and talented specialist and the child study team as needed will determine if the student meets the district qualification’s defined by the committee and approved by the district.
Notification and Consent:
The Gifted and Talented Review Committee will review standardized test scores, district assessments, achievement levels and other aforementioned information pertinent to the screening process prior to admitting the student into the program. Once the Review Committee has made its determination, the student’s parents/guardians will be contacted to discuss eligibility for entering the Gifted and Talented Program. Students will begin receiving gifted and talented services following written parent consent.
Student performance will be monitored throughout the year. A student may be withdrawn from the Gifted and Talented Program if, at any time, the Gifted and Talented Review Committee, parent/guardian determines student performance is not appropriate, insufficient, or in the best interest of the student and their needs. A student may re-enter the Program as deemed educationally appropriate by the Review Committee.
Appeal Process
Parents/guardians may appeal the decision of the Gifted and Talented Review Committee in writing. Parents/guardians will provide information/documentation to support their appeal. The Review Committee will review the information to determine if additional assessments are necessary. Parents/guardians will be notified of the Review Committee’s final decision. If a student is not accepted into the Program, parents/guardians may refer their child for identification one year from the appeal.
Grades K-6
Students identified to participate in the Gifted and Talented Program K-2 will receive push-in enrichment instruction provided by the enrichment specialist, as well as, through differentiation of instruction/activities by the classroom teacher as outlined in the Board of Education approved curricula for each subject.
In grades three through six, students will receive push-in enrichment in their general education classrooms for 1 marking period. Furthermore, small group pull-out instruction will be provided by the enrichment specialist for students that are deemed eligible for Gifted and Talented services.
However, the Gifted and Talented Review Committee may differentiate a student program even further on a case by case basis, such as; 1:1 enriched pull out instruction, accelerated learning and course placement, etc.
Annual Review
For students selected to participate in the Gifted and Talented Program, an annual review will be conducted by the gifted and talented specialist and classroom teacher(s) to review student performance and services. The specialist will meet with classroom teachers to assess the both the efficacy of the student program as well as student productivity. Upon the outset of the next school year, this information will be utilized during the screening process by the committee to determine continued eligibility in the program.
Resources for Parents:
National Association for Gifted Children
Strengthening Gifted and Talented programs
NJ Department of Education Gifted and Talented