Title I
What is Title I?
Title I is a federal program under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that was passed by Congress and signed into law in December 2015. Title I covers the fiscal and program requirements for improving the academic achievement of students who attend schools eligible for Title I. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
What does the district do with Title I funds?
The Midland Park School District uses Title I funds in many different ways. Based on standardized tests scores, in-district assessments, and other data, programs are established. Interventions are set up targeted struggling learners, PD is established, or supplies are purchased that are connected to closing the gap between struggling and successful students.
How does my child get into a Title I program?
There are entrance and exit criteria that the students have to meet throughout the intervention process. Low standardized test scores, being below grade level in reading, deficits in fundamental skills, poor report cards and tests, etc.
How do schools receive Title I funds?
The New Jersey Department of Education performs calculations based on census and poverty data in the district and in each school. Based on federal guidelines the district must identify all eligible schools using the most current enrollment and poverty data.
What are the parental involvement requirements for a Title I district and school?
Each district that receives Title I, Part A funds must develop a written parental involvement policy that establishes the district’s expectations for parental involvement. The district policy must be developed jointly with, and agreed upon with, the parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs and distributed to parents of all children participating in Title I, Part A programs. [Section 1118(a)(2), ESEA.]
Parent Engagement Policy.pdf
School-Parent-Student compacts must also be developed in partnership with parents that outline the responsibilities for all three parties in the educational process. Communication efforts must be ongoing and sustained and encourage parental involvement in many facets of the planning, development, and implementation stages.
Title I Mailing:
Title 1- Cover letter mailing 2023 Final.pdf
Title 1- Annual Meeting letter 2023 Final.pdf
Title 1 Right to Know 2023 Final.pdf
School-Parent- Student Compact:
School Parent Compact Signed 2023.pdf
Title I Presentation:
Title 1 Presentation rev. 9.26.23.pdf
Title Survey: (please fill out the survey for feedback opportunities as related to Title Services.)
Title I Feedback Survey